Precise Form for an Imprecise World
2025 > ︎

Precise Form for an Imprecise World is a variation on one of Jean-Luc Godard’s most often repeated aphorisms: “Confront vague ideas with clear images.” It speaks to the process we undertake in design, which takes guesswork, hunches, possibilities, things in flux, and nascent ideas, and posits them as though they are refined, and indeed precise. In a discipline that is one of the least empirical 1, we work iteratively, positioning one possibility next to another.
1 This implies that architecture is one of the least scientific disciplines, and while science is deeply embedded in architecture, it is at it’s core a highly debatable, speculative discourse. Moreover, this implies that science is not a conceptually driven field, which of course it is too. Science = Data....but... Science = ? too.
Slow / Fast
Architecture is a perpetual necessity, but especially today, it is also perpetually anachronistic - in that it is a slow, heavy medium. It is meant to be fixed. Our challenge is how to design for an ever changing planet where environmental, political, and social conditions move and morph at lightspeed? This is architecture’s perpetual question and we make every effort in the work to chip away at answers or at the very least (most?), ask the question in a new way.

Karasansui HousePlate Graphics House
Trimmed Circle House
Alan-Voo House
ST House
M&L House
Selby Avenue House
ADU No. 1
No Mass House
CLT House
Micro-Footprint House
9000 Wilshire
5600 West Adams Wellness Center
Sotoak Pavilion
3 Vessels
Media Office Block
Green Brick Prism
Orange Square
La Brea Hotel
Alsace Hotel
6AM Hotel
Qualia Hotel
902 Davie
2 Burrard Place
130 West Broadway Porsche Design Tower Western Green Permanent Shadow
320 La Cienega
Dos Rios Housing Slavyanka City
Kite City
Torre del Golf
NEU DevelopmentAomori
Wildwood School
Chapel in the Forest
Sori Yanagi Museum Hameetman Center
CUHK Student Center Maribor Museum
Carlow Art Center Arlington Museum of Art
Sycamore Arches Twentieth
MUFG Nagoya
MUFG Ginza
MUFG Umeda
Ningbo Bar Tower
l.a. Eyeworks
Casey Kaplan Gallery Adidas Outlet Store Thinkpark
Keelung Terminal
Peach Airlines
Houston Central Station
Annotated Notebooks ONICS
Mass X
OSU Baumer Lectures Gyroscopic Horizons Interrupted Projections
Shift_Leg Table
Gallery MA_IP Fluoroscape
Close - Up
Chess & Go
Currency Design
Cor-Tex 1982 - 98 NMDA 1998 -
© 2023 Neil M. Denari Architects